Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Understanding the importance of media relations,Pt 1

I cannot stress enough the importance of forging and maintaining strong media relations. Archives tend to be viewed as dusty, musty places where old 'things' go to die. Legislators and public officials specifically need to understand the importance of the function of the archives, while creating a ground swell of citizen concern. One of the better ways to generate the understanding of the 'public value' (a concept I will cover in an upcoming blog) is an often difficult process for archives with limited resources, staff and media expertise. I recently completed a feasibility study for the Nebraska State Historical Society on their institution capacity to support a digital archiving initiative. Shortly after the final version was submitted to the Society and Secretary of State, the JournalStar ran a great article in their Sunday edition about how history is being lost due to the electronic nature of today's communication (Note the sidebar article discussing the feasibility study - already starting to make the case for increased funding and staff). By increasing public awareness -- and the distribution of several hundred copies to key legislators and stakeholders, important education and outreach can be accomplished. NSHS will find more doors open and key individuals receptive to their needs, while the newspaper gets a great human interest story. A win-win all around. Start working on your media contacts, newspaper, TV, Radio, Magazines now to generate support for you upcoming digital initiatives. To be Continued....

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